To browse Academia. This paper provides an exploration of the sandal-shaped cressets found in the Kayseri Seljuklu Civilization Museum. It discusses their historical significance, artisanal craftsmanship, and the cultural context in which they were created. By analyzing the design and function of these artifacts, the study highlights their role in the Seljuk period and their relevance to contemporary understanding of historical artifacts. The privileges, which were given to the Europeans during the reign of Sultan Süleymanallowed many envoys, merchants and travellers to visit the capital Istanbul from the beginning of XVIIth century. Furthermore, an interest towards diverse geographies which was raised in this period in Europe, caused the production of art objects such as illustrated costume albums and Iznik ceramic dishes commissioned by European visitors. This interest was especially increased in XVIIth century towards purchasing and collecting artistic objects such as İznik ceramics. Concurrently, the production of illustrated costume albums displaying Ottoman and non-Muslim figures were also being commissioned by European patrons to be produced at the painting ateliers out of the court. The forms and positions of the figures with their gestures and the colours used are perfectly alike, so that this suggests a possible interaction of artistic production between Iznik ceramics and miniature paintings in the costume albums of that time. İznik seramiklerinin satın alınması ve toplanması konusundaki bu ilgi özellikle XVII. Aynı zamanlarda, Osmanlı karakterleri ve gayrimüslim kişilerin betimlendiği resimli kıyafet albümleri de Avrupalı sanat hamileri tarafından saray dışındaki atölyelerde üretilmek üzere sipariş edilmiştir. İlginçtir ki, insan figürlerinin yer aldığı İznik seramik tabakları ve resimli kıyafet albümleri, figürlerin çizim ve boyama teknikleri bakımından, kolektif sanat üretimi anlamında açık bir etkileşim olduğunu göstermektedir. El hareketleri jestleri ve kullanılan renklerle birlikte figürlerin biçimleri ve duruş poziyonları son derece benzerdir; bu nedenle, dönemin İznik seramik tabaklarında ve kıyafet albümlerinde betimlenmiş insan figürleri arasında sanatsal üretim bakımından muhtemel bir etkileşimden söz edilebilir. Bu örnekler Nakkaşhane üslubu ile ilişkili olmasa da, çizim şablonlarının ressamlar nakkaşlar ve seramik sanatçıları tarafından muhtemel kullanımı bakımından dikkat çekicidir. It is interesting that both Iznik ceramic dishes with human figures and illustrated costume albums with single human figures reveal obvious interaction of collective artistic production in terms of the figures' drawing and painting techniques. Although these examples are unaffiliated with the Court Atelier's style, it is thought that they are still significant regarding the possible usage of drawing templates by the painters and ceramic artists. Bununla birlikte, Avrupa'da, farklı coğrafyalara bu dönemde artan ilgi, Avrupalı Kayseri Twitter Kubra Escort tarafından sipariş edilen resimli kıyafet albümleri ve İznik seramik tabakları gibi sanatsal objelerin üre-timine neden olmuştur. Aynı zamanlarda, Osmanlı karakterleri ve gayrimüslim kişilerin betimlendiği resimli kıyafet albüm-leri de Avrupalı sanat hamileri tarafından saray dışındaki atölyelerde üretilmek üzere sipariş edilmiştir. El hareketleri jestleri ve kullanılan renklerle birlikte figürlerin biçimleri ve duruş po-ziyonları son derece benzerdir; bu nedenle, dönemin İznik seramik tabaklarında ve kıyafet albümlerinde betimlenmiş insan figürleri arasında sanatsal üretim bakımından muhtemel bir etkileşimden söz edilebi-lir. Yüzyıl Osmanlı Sanatı, İznik seramikleri, Osmanlı resimli kıyafet albüm-leri. La Cachette de Karnak. Nouvelles perspectives sur les découvertes Kayseri Twitter Kubra Escort Georges Legrain, edited by Laurent Coulon. Cairo: IFAO. There are many functional objects that make our lives easier in daily life. Humans adapt the objectsto use according to their own culture of life. However, there are also objects that do not change in terms of usage and form in the world order. Here, the universal feature of an object becomes prominent. Some objects vary from country to country and even region to region. This can be explained by the influence of tradition on the use of the object. In this article, some examples of contemporary ceramic artworks are examined, which are inspired by recent traditional objects based on Turkish culture. Ways of handling objects that inspire these ceramic artworks in question and the change and visuality of the new meanings they brought to ceramics are discussed. Peer-review: Externally peer-reviewed. Conflict of Interest: The author has no conflict of interest to declare. Financial Disclosure: The author declared that this study has received no financial support. Hakem Değerlendirmesi: Dış bağımsız. Çıkar Çatışması: Yazar çıkar çatışması bildirmemiştir. Grant Support: Yazar bu çalışma için finansal destek almadığını beyan etmiştir. Buildings are arguably the last thing that comes to our mind when we talk about circulation and luxury goods and diffusion of consumption practices. Their sheer size and mass explain their tendency to remain in one place throughout their existence and bestow upon them an aura of immutability. This "spatial fix" of the built environment, both in Kayseri Twitter Kubra Escort of individual buildings and architectural landscapes, means that while they may change hand, they are unable to move across space. This immobility is by no means absolute, as shown by the well-known relocation of the Pergamon altar from western Anatolia to the Museum Island in Berlin, or shorter distances covered by dozens of churches in Bucharest, displaced from their original sites during the urban reconstruction of the s. However, these instances do not change the fact that while both buildings and smaller luxury items constitute vehicles conveying their owners' wealth and social status, they seemingly belong to two different realms, with little overlap between them. Significação: Revista de Cultura Audiovisual,
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