A confusion matrix is a table or report card that shows how well your classification algorithm is performing. Note that this performance metric works only with classification e. Examples of classification problems in machine learning could both be binary i. Examples of binary classification problems are spam filters spam or not spampeople counters person or not personloan applications approve or rejectvoice assistants recognizing their wake words to start listening to your question e. Examples of multi-class classification in computer vision problems such as driverless cars could be identifying objects in an image cat, person, car, dog, street sign, traffic lights. One of my projects involved developing a people counter classifier that we mounted at a flower store: the store owner wanted to count how many people enter and leave. However, since they were uncertain how well the people counter would perform, they asked us to quantify the performance of our classifier. The way we got these numbers is by offshoring the video to some low-cost data annotators to watch the video and manually count the number of people entering the shop. For now, Twtir marmaris trevesti eskort want to better understand the kind of Twtir marmaris trevesti eskort the classifier is making so we can focus on improving it. Digging a little deeper, your annotators annotate the videos of people entering the shop and email you the following summary:. Note that the scenario where both the annotators and classifier said that people did not enter is not valid for this computer vision problem. As you can see, the confusion matrix is a useful tool for helping your engineers or data scientists focus on which problems to fix first. First we define our positives and negatives. Recommendation is that you validate your understanding of the confusion matrix by going through the following 2-minute practice quiz. Good luck! Take Quiz. Confused by the Confusion Matrix? Yes, that was weird! AI Confusion Matrix. Learning 1. Yolo Object Detection 6. Take Quiz 7. Install and Setup Windows 10 on Virtual Box 9. Create a People Counter with OpenCv Social Distancing Detector with Yolo
Social Distancing Detector with Yolo Este jueves 21 de enero del presente año se realizó el examen de admisión especial I de la Universidad Nacional de Huancavelica en el campus universitario de la UNH, cumpliendo estrictamente los protocolos de bioseguridad para prevenir la propagación del COVID Trámite documentario. Agronomía E. Entradas anteriores.
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